The Games have almost begun, as members of the local banking fraternity gathered recently to announce details about the annual Interbank Games, the 2018 edition of which kicks off on 15 June 2018. This year’s Games will be hosted and Chaired by Stanbic Bank Botswana, following the traditional rotation of hosts amongst Botswana’s local banks.
The Interbank Games are a respected tradition, an annual sporting event amongst 11 member banks. The Games began more than a decade ago, with just 6 banks at the time, and continues to enjoy growth and increased participation with each year, in line with the growth in our local financial market. The platform allows members to foster greater bonds among banking sector employees, thereby growing and nurturing closer working relations between the various banks across Botswana, whilst at the same time raising funds for local charities.

Said Stephanie Stoneham, Head of Marketing Stanbic Bank Botswana, “Stanbic Bank Botswana is honoured to be the host this year, and we look forward to delivering exceptional Games. This is a long standing traditional amongst member banks and, we believe, is paramount in ensuring we work together to grow the banking sector in a healthy manner. It encourages team work, healthy competition, and a sense of unity we as a sector need. We are committed as Stanbic Bank to ensuring this is the best edition of the Interbank Games yet!”
Amongst the key purposes of the Interbank Games are the following:
- Health & Wellness – to promote good healthy living & wellness; this will impact positively on the overall productivity of employees.
- Team Building – this is a collective team building event where financial institution employees get to interact through these activities & share ideas.
- Community Financial Literacy – this is essential for every individual or family & during the interbank activities we take time to set up for each institution to educate the public about banking products, financial management & access to loan facilities.
- Corporate Social Responsibility – proceeds raised during the closing ceremony go towards a community development initiative. In the past, the Interbank Games have donated to the following: Tlamelong Rehab Centre in Tlokweng; towards graduate students to start a horticultural and sewing business to the value P15,000; and towards Galaletsang Primary School for refurbishing of their library as well as buying books and ICT equipment to the value of P61,700.
Amongst the key activities forming the programme for this year’s Interbank Games an aerobics competition, which will be held on the 15th of June at the BNYC hall, and the Miss Interbank Pageant, which will be held on the 22nd of June at Boipuso Hall under the theme ‘Safari Glam.’ There will also be indoor games on the 29th of June at Botho University College, featuring competitive pool, snooker, table tennis and darts. There will also be Golf played on the same date at a place to be confirmed. Various other outdoor games will be played on the 30th of June, including Soccer, netball, and volleyball. These will culminate in a soccer final at Bank of Botswana grounds on the evening of the 30th of June.
The Closing Ceremony, typically referred to as the after party, will be held immediately after the soccer final at the same venue, and tickets are available to members of the public. To help ensure the 2018 Games are nothing but a great success, local as well as international artists have been commissioned. The value of funds raised from ticket sales will determine the 2018 beneficiary, to be announced at a later date after the Games.
Concluded Stoneham, “We are truly excited at what we have in store for our fellow members and for the members of the public who attend this hallmark event. Our dedicated Interbank Games 2018 Committee are working to ensure the very best Interbank Games to date, looking to raise a record amount of funds from ticket sales in order to benefit local charities. And so, as they say, let the games begin!”